NHVTA Certified Technician Membership
Purpose of Certification
- To distinguish those within the field of veterinary technology who have attained a professional level of knowledge and skill as demonstrated by the fulfillment of the Requirements for Certification.
- To establish minimum ethical and educational standards for veterinary technicians within the State of New Hampshire
NHVTA CVT Certificates are available to all CVT members on the Members Only Section of the NHVTA website. Emails containing a link to your CVT Certificate are sent when new CVT applications are approved and when yearly renewal applications are approved.
Membership Benefits
- Certification and Certification Certificate for new and renewing CVTs
- Complimentary or discounted registration at select NHVTA-sponsored seminars. Event registration on the NHVTA website is required.
- NHVTA email updates and up-to-date information on upcoming NHVTA seminars.
- Participate in decision-making processes that will impact our future as Veterinary Technicians.
Requirements for Certification
- A degree from a program in Veterinary Technology or Veterinary Nursing accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).
- Documentation of achievement of a qualifying score on the Veterinary Technician National Examination (VTNE) within the last five years.
New Certification Fee – $40.00
** Note: a passing VTNE score does not automatically certify you in the State of NH. You must also submit an application to the NHVTA with the required documentation and fee**
New Certifications 1. Submitted prior to July 1 in the calendar year: term of certification from the certificate issue date until December 31 of that calendar year. 2. Submitted July 1 or later in the calendar year: term of certification from the certificate issue date until December 31 of the following calendar year.
If you selected NH when applying to take the VTNE, the NHVTA can access your score on the AAVSB portal. To expedite the process, please upload your "candidate only" VTNE score document into the New CVT Membership Application Form.
If you are CVT, LVT or RVT with current certification in another state and if you used another state’s alternative pathway, please see information about Reciprocity below.
Renewal Membership – $40.00
Please note a late fee of $25.00 is applied to all renewals submitted after December 31st
Certified Veterinary Technicians are required to re-certify every year by December 31st (for the upcoming year). Twelve (12) CE credits are required to re-certify. 12 CEU per year is required for renewal.
Click here to view the full certification requirement document.
Please include an active email that you check regularly on your application!
NHVTA CVT Members - The renewal form is only available in the "Members Only" section.
Full Membership for Technicians Credentialed in Another State (Reciprocity) – $40.00
Reciprocity – Effective July 2023 until October 15, 2026
An individual who has achieved certification in another state may apply for reciprocity. Applicant must provide the following via the online Reciprocity Application Form.
- A complete NHVTA Reciprocity application form
- Documentation of a current license/certification by another state.
- Documentation of a passing grade on the VTNE. AAVSB VAULT transfer is required
- The NHVTA may require the applicant to provide documentation of current state credentialing requirements.
- Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The NHVTA Board may request additional information and documentation.
Reciprocity – Effective October 16, 2026
An individual who has achieved certification in another state may apply for reciprocity. Applicant must provide the following via the online Reciprocity Application Form.
- A complete NHVTA Reciprocity application form
- Documentation of a current license/certification by another state.
- Documentation of a passing grade on the VTNE. AAVSB VAULT transfer is required
- A degree from a program in Veterinary Technology or Veterinary Nursing accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).
- Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The NHVTA Board may request additional information and documentation.
Alternative pathway
The State of Wisconsin currently allows non-Wisconsin residents to apply to sit for the VTNE. (ref. Veterinary Technician Certification Application Process. After applying through WI and passing the VTNE, individuals can apply for NH certification using the Alternative Pathway Application. The VTNE is taken remotely online; travel to WI is not required.
NHVTA alternative pathway certification process
This alternative pathway to becoming certified with the NHVTA expires on October 15, 2026.
Lapsed Membership? – NHVTA Amnesty Policy for Technicians with Lapsed Certifications - $75/year lapsed
The NHVTA offers an Amnesty Program for those technicians whose certification has lapsed for less than three years. Applicants must provide the following in the Amnesty form:
- A complete Amnesty Application Form.
- 12 CEU earned for each year missed. The CEU’s do not have to be from the missed year, but 12 for each missed year are required.
- A total payment of $75 per year lapsed is required.
Certifications lapsed three years or more require:
- Submitting a new CVT application form, meeting all certification requirements, including a passing score on the VTNE within the past five years.
Note: Amnesty Program does not apply if you have a current certification/license in another state. If that is the case, apply for reciprocity.