NHVTA VTS ScholarshipThe New Hampshire Veterinary Technician Association (NHVTA) is pleased to offer a bi-annual scholarship to New Hampshire Certified Veterinary Technicians interested in pursuing a Veterinary Technician Specialist (VTS) designation. $1000 will be awarded at the NHVTA Spring Conference and at the NHVTA general membership meeting in the fall. The NHVTA realizes the demands of the rigorous VTS application process and is giving the awards as retroactive payback for the financial commitment made throughout the VTS journey. Eligibility Requirements Applicants must:
Application Process Applications are continuously accepted. Applications received by March 1 will be eligible for the Spring award, and applications received by September 1 will be eligible for the Fall award. Applicants are allowed two consecutive attempts to submit but may only win once. To apply, please submit the following:
VTS Scholarship Application